Dec 10, 2010

Weigh In #5

If you look at my history, I did skip #4 but only because I did my first month weigh in.  This morning is my official day.  My current weight is...284 which means I've lost 5 pounds this week for a total weight loss of 40 pounds!!  That is just over 12% of my total body weight in the past five weeks.  I feel like I'm on the biggest loser but without the cameras, Bob and Jillian, or the chance to win $250k.  Either way, I'm feeling good.  I really want to try and work hard to hit 60 pounds total by the end of the year.  I was supposed to get my band filled for the first time yesterday, but the doctor's office called and moved it to next Wednesday.  I'll post about that as soon as I can.  Thanks for following my journey and for all the support and encouragement you offer!


Unknown said...

WOW!!! That's awesome! Maybe you need to get a life size cut-out of Bob to stand next to you while you workout! I bet you'd get a lot of grins and laughs from your exercise buddies that way! Who knows...maybe that's the motivation they need this holiday season too! Dare ya!

shellycoulter said...

Great idea, Mell! Jillian is scarier though...go for Jillian!

Jon Kelly said...

I think I'd rather have Bob if I had the choice. Biggest Loser would have been a cool experience but it actually would cost me so much more than the surgery. How do these people afford to live for the time they are at the ranch?!

Unknown said...

What does get your band filled mean?

Looking good man! Looking good.

Jon Kelly said...

Thanks Mike! I posted another blog explaining the band and the fills because I'm sure a lot of people don't know.

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