Dec 31, 2010

Happy New Year

I'll finish out this year having lost 45 pounds in two months. I am very glad that I had the surgery and know I will find continued success in 2011 and hope you do too!

I'm now two weeks out from having my first fill of the band. I have to admit this is not at all what I expected. I really want to feel restriction on my ability to eat and so far, it hasn't been that restricted. Most people have problems with certain types of foods like pasta, breads or chewy meats. So far, I haven't had issues with those things at all. I can definitely feel some limits on how much I can eat and how full I get, but simply put, I want more. I told Sandra the other day that I want to eat like a child. That's somewhat of an exaggeration but there's a reason I chose to go the surgical route to lose weight.

The other struggle I have now is working out. I did fantastic until I hit Christmas break from work. It is so hard to work out when you aren't at home. Then when I am home, I totally enjoy the time with Sandra and the kids and don't want to leave the house. When I go back to work next week, I'm sure I'll easily get back in the swing of things, but a lot of this depends on me. If I don't work hard to focus on eating the right types of foods, getting to the gym and stopping eating when I feel full, this all will be a waste of time. I don't plan any kind of resolution for working out or losing weight. I don't want it to be some fad that I probably fail on. I want it to be a life change. 45 pounds is a good start but I want to get another 90-100 pounds off. It's a long journey. Thanks for taking part in it.


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