Nov 8, 2010


I'm officially working on the ever important exercise portion of the Lap Band Journey. I'm building to be able to walk 30 continuous minutes since surgery and I can generally get 20-25 before I get too worn out. I need to work out for 30 minutes a day as part of the program at least five days per week. This becomes increasingly important as I enter the second week post-surgery because you don't want to allow your muscles to be consumed since I'm not getting much protein. Today, I should be starting to drink some protein supplements which I am not looking forward to. They don't taste horrible, but I've never been a big fan of smoothy consistency and they are pretty thick.

I purchased a blender bottle from GNC. If you want to see it, click here.  They are basically bottles with a cool little whisk ball in them so it blends up all the powder so you aren't getting chunks of powder as you drink.  I made a shake a couple weeks ago by stirring it in a glass with a spoon like I would with chocolate milk, but trust me, it is gross.

Cardio is very important to burn calories and build endurance which is important to me at least.  I'm tired of feeling like I'm breathing underwater by taking a short walk or going up a flight of stairs.  According to my surgeon, weights is considered as important if not more important than cardio.  My current plan is to try and walk before work at least 20-30 minutes.  If time allows, I'll also try to take a short break midmorning and afternoon and put in another 10 or so minutes each time.  Then in the evening, I will take a quick trip over to the Laramie Rec Center and do a quick circuit on their weight machines.  That way I am getting a full workout each day.  I don't plan to lift to build muscles but to help shape my body and hopefully control excess skin a bit.  I might eventually try to go to the gym in the mornings too so I can also do things like a stair climber or elliptical.  We have lots of stairs in my building so I might just go walking up and down the halls!  Walking on campus in the mornings is great so if you're interested in joining me, just let me know.


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