Jan 28, 2011

Weigh In #8

   The last official post with my weigh in was December 28, so it seems fitting that I should post again on January 28.  You can check out my last weight in post by clicking here.  I've been somewhat frustrated with the band in general because I thought it was going to severely limit what I could eat, and generally, that hasn't been the case. I have been filled twice and still struggle with the desire to eat, but that is getting easier with time.  The other thing that has proven a lot easier is not drinking food during my meals or for 30 minutes after.  When you limit your liquid intake, the food stays with you so and it takes longer to feel hungry again.  I thought that would be a struggle, but I'm used to it and there is rarely something I eat where I feel I need to have a drink to wash it down.

   I suppose most people don't read a weigh in post for anything but the weight.  This morning, I came in at 269 which is 11 pounds lost since December 28 and a total lost of 55 pounds since November 1.  I'm certainly not complaining about how much I continue to lose.  Maybe I should simply be grateful that I don't have the eating issues that are so common with a band surgery.  When I got married in 2002, I weight 265, so in a week or so, I will be the smallest I've been in almost 9 years!!


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